What predicts future success more than any other part of your child’s or teen’s life? High test scores? Great athletic prowess? Model good looks? Surprisingly, these traits, in and of themselves, don’t guarantee a successful life.
It is Emotional Intelligence that, by far, a greater predictor of success.
Emotional Intelligence encompasses four abilities:
1.To Perceive Emotion
2. Use Emotion
3. Understand Emotion
4. Manage one’s emotions.
The studies tell us that Theatre Work exponentially enhances these abilities.
Whether it is a school play, after school workshop or summer camp program, young people who immerse themselves in theatre work gain both life and work skills that predict future success.
Stagework, developing a character and interacting with others in a supportive, personal manner creates understanding and compassion that is experienced profoundly by a young person in the collaborative process of a cherished and shared artistic goal: The Play!
So, while sports, beauty, brains and brawn don’t hurt, a young person is very greatly served by spending some time onstage. A great reason for a parent to consider Acting Camp? We think so!
Acting Methods informed the development of our Emotional Intelligence workshops – Ralf Rauker